Anyone can run

Thinking of starting to run…Read this first

Anyone can run
This blog is not for you if

You are seeking instant tips to win a marathon or aim to run insanely without any plans.

This blog is definitely for you if

You wish to experience the joy of running or aim to make running your passion to liberate yourself.

Running becomes the most commonly followed passion. It releases endorphins especially when a runner crosses the finish line. This offers unparalleled satisfaction and a fantastic feeling of achievement.

Who can run?

Anyone can run. If you own a pair of shoes and possess a big heart, you qualify.

A small piece of advice would be to undergo a medical check-up before beginning to run.

Should you have a Coach?

Since running represents the most natural form of activity since the dawn of humankind, so you wonder why you need a coach.

Here’s why running under a qualified coach’s guidance and supervision is advisable..

Only a qualified coach understands the anatomy of the human skeleton and can plan runs based on individual needs.

He can offer advice on nutrition, sleep, and many other factors which need consideration.

Different Runs Require Different Approaches

Many types of runs exist – slow long runs, speed trials, tempo runs, hill runs, and planning based on the requirements of each one is crucial.

How does Running Benefit You?

Running delivers many scientific, emotional, and physical benefits. When you complete a run the most significant benefit is the confidence in completing a task. Waking early, breathing fresh air, and developing a healthy mind is also value you get out of running.

Is Rest Necessary?

Many athletes enjoy running so much that they risk injury. However, incorporating rest can prevent injuries.

What is a Rest Plan?

While creating a plan, the coach should include one or two rest days. These days are crucial for every athlete to improved performance.

Rest days enable athletes to rebound stronger. The tapering period before a big marathon is an example of the rest days we refer to.

Many consider rest days as wasted days, but they actually aid in regenerating power and recharging.


Recovery is essential to determine the impact of a run on your body. The recovery time depends on the nature of the previous run.

If the run was beneficial, the recovery time would be minimal . Conversely, if the long run was detrimental, the recovery would take longer.


At this stage, look for natural products that significantly aid in recovery. Be wary of artificial products that might offer instant relief but only mask the injury temporarily. Here again, the expertise of a qualified coach is crucial.


Running truly becomes beautiful when perfectly combined with rest and recovery time.

Enjoy the process and remember, Running is Fun.
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